Sunday, March 3, 2019

UNIT 6: Reformatting A Personal Computer

Steps To Reformat A Personal Computer

#1 Start your pc and press key F2, F12 or delete key (Depends on your PC model).

#2 Your PC will boot from CD and windows installation will start. Press Enter at this screen.

#3 Accept License agreement by pressing F8 key.

#4 Delete the partitions.

#5 Create the partitions.

#6 Define the size of partitions.

#7 Now select your desired partition for installation of Windows XP and press enter.

#8 Choose to format the partition. Choose NTFS file system quick. 

#9 Setup will format the partition.

#10 After formatting, setup will start copying files on to the hard disk.

#11 After copying of files, setup will start installing Windows. 

#12 Select desired language and regional settings, when prompted by setup.

#13 Enter windows key.

#14 Type a name for your computer.

#15 Select time and date settings and time zone according to your country.

#16 Provide network settings for networking pc's or select typical settings and press enter.

#17 Setup will install devices and register components.

#18 After completion setup will do a cleanup of files and will restart your pc automatically. At this stage you can remove CD from drive.

To Create A Partition

What is disk partitioning?

Disk Partitioning is the creation of one or more regions on a  hard disk or other secondary storage, so that an operating system  can manage information in each region separately.

Partitioning is typically the first step of preparing a newly manufactured disk, before any files or directories have been created. 


                     1 KB      = thousand bytes
                     1 MB     = million bytes
                     1 GB      = billion bytes
                     1 TB       = trillion bytes


                     1 KB      = 1024 bytes
                     1 MB     = 1024 KB
                     1 GB      = 1024 MB
                     1 TB       = 1024 GB


Original size/capacity = 40995 MB

P1   - 50 %             =      40995 x .50       =        20498    
P2   - 50 %             =      40995 x .50       =        20498 

Original size/capacity = 40995 MB

P1   - 25 GB           =      25 x 1024         =         25600
P2   - 25  %            =      40995 x .25      =         10249
P3   - The rest     

Original size/capacity = 38162 MB

P1   - 15 GB           =      15 x 1024          =        15360 
P2   - 30 %             =      38162 x .30       =        11449
P3   - 100%           

Original size/capacity = 38162 MB

P1   - 39 %            =      38162 x .39         =        14883
P2   - 11 GB           =      11 x 1024            =        11264
P3   - 100%                               

Original size/capacity = 40995 MB

P1   - 41 %             =      40995 x .41          =        16808
P2   - 10 GB           =      10 x 1024             =        10240
P3   - The rest                               


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

UNIT 5: Working With Computer Networks


#1 Create an IP Address


#2 Configure  the IP Address
  • IPCONFIG ecommand is a fast was of determining your computer's IP address and other information, such as the address of its default gateway.
  • PING is used to test the connectivity.

#3 Set Windows firewall settings

Turn off firewall

  • FIREWALL is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

#4 Set up a home or small office network

Network Setup Wizard

  • NETWORK SETUP WIZARD is a built-in feature of windows that let you setup a network for computers running Microsoft windows operating systems.

Sharing file on a network (Server)

1.   Place the file inside the folder
2.  Right click the folder
3.  Click Properties
4.  Click Sharing
5.  Click Share this folder on the network
6.  Click Apply
7.  Click OK

Checking the file (Client)

1.   Click Start button
2.  Click Run
3.  Then type \\[IP address of server]

Sharing printer on a network (Server)

1.  Click Control Panel
2.  Click Add Printer
3.  Right click Printer
4.  Click Sharing
5.  Click Share this printer
6.  Click Apply
7.  Click OK

Connecting printer on a network (Client)

1.   Click Run
2.  Then type \\[IP address of Server]
3.  Double click Printers and Faxes
4.  Right click Printer
5.  Click Connect

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

What Is A Network or IP Address?

       A network address is any logical or physical address that uniquely distinguishes a network node or device over a computer or telecommunications network. It is a numeric/symbolic number or address that is assigned to any device that seeks access to or is part of a network.

Computers on a network use a network address to identify, locate and address other computers. Besides individual devices, a network address is typically unique for each interface; for example, a computer's Wi-Fi and local area network (LAN) card has separate network addresses.

A network address is also known as the numerical network part of an IP Address. This is used to distinguish a network that has its own hosts and addresses. For example, in the IP address, the network address is 192.168.1.

Common examples of IP Address

Two Versions Of An Internet Protocol (IP) Address

IPv4 (Standard Version)

IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) is the fourth revision of the Internet Protocol (IP) used to to identify devices on a network through an addressing system. The Internet Protocol is designed for use in interconnected systems of packet-switched computer communication networks.

IPv4 is the most widely deployed Internet protocol used to connect devices to the Internet. It uses a 32-bit address scheme allowing for a total of 2^32 addresses (just over 4 billion addresses).  With the growth of the Internet it is expected that the number of unused IPv4 addresses will eventually run out because eve -ry device- including computers, smartphones and game consoles -- that connects to the Internet requires an address.

2. IPv6 (Advanced Version)

A new Internet addressing system Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is being deployed to fulfill the need for more Internet addresses.

IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) is also called IPng (Internet Protocol next generation) and it is the newest version of the Internet Protocol (IP) reviewed in the IETF standards committees to replace the current version of IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4).

IPv6 is the successor to Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4). It was designed as an evolutionary upgrade to the Internet Protocol and will, in fact, coexist with the older IPv4 for some time. IPv6 is designed to allow the Internet to grow steadily, both in terms of the number of hosts connected and the total amount of data traffic transmitted.

Binary Digit
A binary digit, or bit, is the smallest unit of information in a computer. It is used for storing information and has a value of true/false, or on/off. An individual bit has a value of either 0 or 1, which is generally used to store data and implement instructions in groups of bytes. A computer is often classified by the number of bits it can process at one time or by the number of bits in a memory address. Many systems use four eight-bit bytes to form a 32-bit word.

The value of a bit is typically stored above or below an allocated level of an electrical charge within a capacitor inside a memory module. For devices that use positive logic, value 1 (true value or high) is positive voltage relative to the electrical ground and value 0 (false value or low) is 0 voltage.


Whole Number
Binary Number

Classes of IP Address
                          Class A -  1 to 126
  Class B -  128 to 191
  Class C -  192 to 223
  Class D -  224 to 239
  Class E -  240 to 255
*    127 Loop back function of a network
*    Class D is for multicast
*    Class E reserved for future or experimental pusposes

Creating An IP Address

1.                 Right click My Network Places
2.                 Click Properties
3.                 Right click Local Area Connection
4.                 Click Properties
5.                 Click TCP/IP
6.                 Click Properties
o  Obtain an IP address automatically
o  Use the following IP address:
IP Address

Subnet Mask

7.                 Click Okay

IP Configuration

1.                 Click Start Button
2.                 Click run
3.                 Type cmd
4.                 Type ipconfig
5.                 Type ping(IP Address)

UNIT 6: Reformatting A Personal Computer

Steps To Reformat A Personal Computer #1 Start your pc and press key F2, F12 or delete key (Depends on your PC model). ...